28 January 2005

Friday, 28 January

Today began slow. I arrived on time and started going through my email. I read the newly published Partnership letter, noticed some incorrect contact information and brought it to the creator's attention. Apparently, the letter I was reading was from last year; the site had not been updated to reflect the mass internal email they sent out to inform us of the recent newsletter.

After that was straightened out, I made the "last" changes to the Clark Foundation LOI and printed it out on letterhead for the CEO to sign, which usually means, even though the changes I made were per his suggestion and he told me and the Grant Writer that she and I had complete control over it, he'll ask me to take it back and make another change or two before signing it. Again. He's funny. In the end, he didn't, but that fact was surprising.

Also today I worked on making different arrangements for the upcoming Panel Discussion, originally scheduled to be on February 17th. The Advocate wants to move it to NYU. So it looks like it will be the 25th in the afternoon. Reservation request sent.

And lest I forget, I was back and forth between the CEO and the Gimbel Foundation, our next potential donor, asking about what's required for a first-time grant request, whether we can still send in our Proposal, or if it was absolutely too late. We determined, looking at their past grantees, that this Fnd was PERFECT for the Partnership, so we were excited when we found out we could submit a GOS request past the deadline. One of the times I called the sec'tary there, she asked me to tell her a little bit about the Partnership. I vaguely panicked, not feeling adequately informed to accurately demonstrate our services, but dove right into explaining what we do before I had a chance to freak out and put her on the phone with my CEO.

I worked a full shift today (8 hours).


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