04 March 2005

Friday, 4 March

Today I made plans with Dev Dir about how to re-file our current system of Institutional Donors. She asked me to go through a current fiscal list (last five years up to this week) of donors, pull the current donors' files and separate them from "expired" donors. Foundations are cyclical, so we should consider going through and re-introducing ourselves to the older donors later on. Dev Dir says that Private Donors are the most stable source because institutional donors are cyclical.

I spent the latter part of the afternoon going through the filling cabinet, frustrated because the fiscal donors system lists the foundation donors by the first name and the grant department lists them by last name, i.e. The So & So Mulligan Foundation was listed in the cabinet as "Mulligan, So & So" and the fiscal accounting listed it as "The So & So Mulligan Foundation," a pattern I didn't detect until well into the uncovering and therefore creating a great deal of annoyance and frustration for me.

I also worked on some light technical support, assisting the Dev Staff to get access to some public folders in Outlook. We really should find a way to streamline inter-departmental communication. I mean, it's not enough we work in the same office; but if we want to communicate to the whole team, then our current Development mailing list has to be updated, a request that must be handled through our IT Administrator who is only available via email.

I worked 8 hours today.


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