25 April 2005

Monday, 25 April: Last Entry

This week is pretty much clean-up and finish all unfinished projects with rolling deadlines, including the refiling project I was working on. I'm here until this Thursday for the last Staff Meeting, but I'm just cleaning up until then.

Since Friday's humiliation, I've spoken with the CEO again and he's given me some good advice on where to start out here as an official employee. He recommended that I start a little bit slower, like in direct service, so I can get a better feel for and perception of our clients' needs. He also advised me that there will be some positions opening up in the main office in the next few months that I should consider taking when they become available. I felt better about not getting the position I created last Friday. I now have new plan: do temp work and keep in touch with the Partnership until the right position becomes available. I feel better about it now.

I plan to do more overall reflections about my experience here in my final paper. For now, though, I'm signing off.

22 April 2005

Friday, 22 April

Today I had a meeting with the Director of Human Resources. Earlier in the week, he approached me and asked when I would be available for a meeting to discuss the end of this internship and possible plans for after its ending.

Trying to guess when your potential employer is hard work. The CEO has been hinting about keeping me on staff forever now, and the support I've received from the Programme Directors has been tremendous; it seems that hiring me full-time is appropriate- but in what position?

I know the Dev Dir is looking for a Sr. Grant Writer, a position I'm not qualified for, but in the past she has hinted that she has some flexibility for this position, leading me to think that she might develop a position specifically for me.

There are, of course, entry-level positions that I am capable of doing, but I want to stay near research and development, underlying themes in all the work I've done here.

Going into this meeting with the HR Dir, I wanted to have a prepared statement for what I wanted to do here, so I asked around to some of the Programme Directors for their thoughts on what they'd like to see me do here. They gave me some good ideas and I prepared a statement:

Accomplishments/lessons learned:
  • Conversations with the Experts Series and subsequent Staff Meetings. I was in charge of handling logistical planning of the last four (and upcoming) discussions, an undertaking which involved scouting facilities, establishing and maintaining professional contacts, arranging catering, gathering needed supplies (electronic and soft equipment), preparing documents for distribution, collaborating with our designer to create flyers, and, ultimately, coordinating all aspects of panel discussions on the day of event.
    Because I have been entrusted with making purchases on behalf of the Partnership, I created and maintained a spreadsheet of all costs incurred (and pertinent contact information in case this information is needed for future or current employees).
    I would like to research an appropriate foundation and write-up a grant proposal to help defray these ongoing costs.
  • Research for grant writing. The first time I was asked to research our files regarding a particular foundation, I took the time to learn, inside and out, our current systems (electronic, paper, and Internet-based) for organizing our corporate, government and private funders.
    Through informal training and trial-and-error, I have developed a sense of how determine appropriate funders based on our need and the potential funder’s interests history.
    Likewise, I have learned (and adopted) the distinct style and voice of Partnership grant proposals, as well as our history with our funders, a feat which takes several weeks to months of researching to understand.
    Walking into this organization, I had no training on the process of grant writing. I have still more to learn before undertaking this process all on my own, but with a little formal training, I could easily handle the whole task.
  • Organization of Development files. Since I began working as an assistant to the grant writer back in early December, I have spent a good deal of effort on organizing both our electronic and paper filing system. When Paula came on board, she set me to task cleaning out our massive filing system and reorganizing and filing our foundation information.
  • Web-based Researching. I have been called upon numerous times to research everything from building code violations to studies on homelessness to refrigerator cost comparisons (for a shelter coordinator). I am thoroughly knowledgeable on major web search engines and know basic techniques for learning new engines.
  1. Potential areas of interest and focus:

    A strong component of most of my work here has been research, an area of great interest to me, and one the Partnership should be leaning towards if we are to become leaders in our field. Drawing on my achievements and energies spent during the last six months, I have created a list of potential projects which could define and demand my continued position here. I’ve tried to base them on the Partnership’s current organizational structure

    1. Research component: The planned Senior Homelessness Prevention Campaign and Effects of HSP project will both need staff for research and analysis. With my background in SPSS (a data mining software), web-based search engine mastery, I could assist in both researching information and developing new research.
    2. Logistical research component: The Partnership’s use and need of existing research, and our gradual shift towards development of new research (and potentially as a research institution) demand the creation of a Research Library. I am skilled in organization and technology, two elements necessary for creating a Research Library.
    3. Policy analysis and research: This is clearly an area which will need to be developed as our Research develops and as we begin to make our voice heard in the community. And though I have no formal training in policy analysis, I can be a leader in the research component while simultaneously learning the analysis piece.
    4. Web Development: Without formal training, I would not want to take on the task of web developer, but if the Partnership wanted to invest in training, I would love to be involved in this aspect of our Development.
    5. Assistant to the VP of Programs and Advocacy: When our VP comes on-board, you might consider me for an assistant in this position.

It's a rough draft, but it helped me put some thoughts down on paper and develop some ideas. I ended up not giving it over to the Dir of HR. The meeting didn't go exactly according to plan. I was sure we'd be shaking hands and agreeing on my salary by the end of the meeting. Not what happened. He basically said there was no current position/funding for the position I wanted, but there were other posibilities for placement on the Partnership team. I was heartbroken and left almost immediately afterwards.

6 hours today.

21 April 2005

Thursday, 21 April

Today was the second Staff Meeting, out at FaF. I didn't go into the office today because I decided the best way to get all the equipment out to FaF from Manhattan would be to drive my car into the City, coerce my co-workers into meeting me on the street to load my car, and drive out to Brooklyn. So that's what I did. The Meeting was in the afternoon, but I was there around noon to help set-up, buy snacks and do last minute preparations.

The Meeting itself was not as good as Tuesday's. I couldn't decide if it was the crowd or the environment, but something was off. I think it might have been a combination of the two things: the more direct service-focused staff in addition to the hugeness of the warehouse we were sitting in, despite the close circle we were in. Plus, it was an afternoon session (beginning at 2.00), and as any Professor will tell you, it's hardest to get your students to pay attention in afternoon classes than any other time slot of the day.

I was working today for about 6 hours.

20 April 2005

Wednesday, 20 April

Tomorrow's Staff Meeting is being held out at FaF, a fact which requires different planning than yesterday's or next Thursday's meetings. FaF needs the laptop for the presentation, and a projector screen and LCD projector, too. Each of these things by themselves wouldn't be that bad to take on the subway out to Brooklyn, but the three of them in combination is impossible to carry on my own. Today was spent figuring out how to get them over there, making copies and adjustments to yesterday's presentation so conversation will flow more smoothly tomorrow.

6 hours.

19 April 2005

Tuesday, 19 April

Today was the first Staff Meeting. It rocked! We started off introducing ourselves... I introduced myself as, "Intern and soon-to-be New Hire," with a gentle ribbing of and knowing look toward the CEO. This elicited a burst of laughter and round of applause from the staff. It made me smile.

We went on to talk about the Mission and Values Statements, going around the room talking about what struck us about each, what we thought could use improvement, what should be changed or left the same. Both are up for revision in this Strategic Planning process (the Strategic Plan to be released by Fall).

Afterwards, we spent time with the Speaker Series recap. People were enthusiastic and engaged, actively participating in discussion. I was extremely surprised to see such interest in the over-arching goals of the P-ship. Of course, the mission of the P-ship is to end homelessness and put ourselves out of work, but the methods we use to "attack the root causes of homelessness" are not completely understood, in my perception, by the staff members, who all have daily tasks which keep them from lending energy and effort towards planning these "big ideas."

I wasn't expecting much from the staff. In my daily, brief dealings with them, I've never picked up on an interest in the kinds of planning we were discussing. It's not to say I don't think they're intelligent and "creative, solution-oriented" individuals, but it's kind of like politics: most people are indifferent or misinformed about what they perceive to be political issues, therefore they shy away from it, choosing to spend their daily energies on the task life. I figured that, for the staff at least, the feeling would be much the same: tell me what I need to know to do my job and don't ask more of me.

I was pleasantly surprised to hear the very articulate, thoughtful responses from staff regarding issues like how to attack the root causes of homelessness, everything from advocacy to education to what exactly the Partnership does and who we are. I was surprised by the openness and interest on the part of staff members. The Directors spoke very little, choosing instead to ask questions and help facilitate the conversation rather than overpower it with their opinions.

All in all, it went extremely well and I was proud to be a part of it.

8 hours.

18 April 2005

Monday, 18 April

Tomorrow is the first Staff Meeting, and the CEO has me putting together a booklet of materials for his board members. 2 booklets with different, but related, documents, 7 copies of each, plus an additional 10 booklets to have on hand for tomorrow's meeting, all velobound by this afternoon. Plus, making copies of the powerpoints, mission and values statements, checking the set-up for the conference room we'll be in, testing the LCD projector equipment/compatability with our laptop, and generally ensuring everything goes off without a hitch tomorrow. Awesome.

8 hours.

15 April 2005

Friday, 15 April

So I decided what to do about this wondering. I wrote the CEO, Director of HR and Director of Development a letter indicating my intent to stay. Here is it:

Dear Powers That Be,

According to my academic calendar, my last official day as Intern is April 25th, though I have every intention and plan to remain here (as a volunteer) until the 28th. While not required academically, a letter to my Intern Coordinator confirming "completion of assignment" would be greatly appreciated. I ask no more of you in order that I receive credit for my internship. If needed, I'll be happy to provide details of the various tasks I've completed here, as a "Direct Supervisor" would be difficult to pinpoint, and the letter could likely be signed by a number of Directors and Staff Members, and maintain its integrity. :)

As for my future plans, well, they include the Partnership. I am leaving for Florida (and Commencement) the 4th of May and returning the 10th, but will be available as soon as the 16th. I know that technically I am leaving this job, but I'm hopeful that my run with the Partnership is far from over.

I have worn many hats in my stint with the Partnership: Temp, Intern, and Volunteer. Evolutionarily speaking, it looks like I'm evolving away from my ideal headgear, the sort that comes with a dental plan and a place on the PFTH Phone List. But I assure you, six months’ experience with the Partnership before being hired was all part of my plan.

Through the course of my stay here, I have informally expressed both my pleasure working with this organization and my desire to continue working here on a permanent basis. Please consider this email formal notice, to be followed by a cover letter and an updated résumé if requested.

Thank you,

Erin Mulligan

Now, I wait.

7 hours.

14 April 2005

Thursday, 14 April

I hate sounding repetitive, but today was just more of yesterday, and the day before, and the week before that. I'm not taking on any new projects, and the Development Dept is slowly starting to take shape- and I'm not in the picture as much anymore. I don't know where we stand on getting furniture for FRC, or if we still even need it anymore. I'm not kept in the loop. The GW hasn't put a proposal on my desk for proofreading in over a week- I'm not sure why. I'm feeling vaguely disconnected from the organisation, but I'm sure that's a function of my own end-of-the-semester stress and anticipation for graduation and potential permanent position here at the P-ship. I don't know exactly where I stand for getting a position here; or, really, where exactly I fit in. I've done so many different tasks since my temp position back in October. I've been a Jack of Most Trades and I don't know exactly how the Partnership will label my position. There isn't really a single position that is currently available that I fit into perfectly or have had formal training for, so I wonder what will happen.

The other day the CEO tapped me on the shoulder while I was sitting at my desk and asked me if I would consider working out at FaF in Brooklyn; I told him that yes, I would be interested in doing that if no other position were available. I'm not exactly sure what I expect them to offer me, but I'd much rather stay up at the Headquarters working on research and development than do direct service or administrative stuff.

I have to do something about all this wondering.

7 hours.

13 April 2005

Wednesday, 13 April

Over this past weekend, I spent hours watching and re-watching the panel discussions from October on. There have been five of them, all two hours a piece. I did this so I could put together the recap for the Director of FaF who is compiling my notes into a PowerPoint presentation to be presented at the Staff Meetings. This morning was spent typing up and clarifying my notes before submitting them to the Dir.

Then, a little afternoon refiling delight.

7 hours.

12 April 2005

Tuesday, 12 April

This morning was the meeting with the Dev Dir and GW. We talked about the usual: deadlines, proposals/reports in the works, rejections and resubmissions. The last big batch of proposals/renewals that went out was in August, and still we haven't received word on many of them. Because we haven't had a formal Development Dept since September, no one has been able to follow up on them. The Director has begun that process, and a couple of the proposals submitted in August were requested again by granters who say they never received them. We wonder about that.

More refiling and pulling things together for the Staff Meeting next Tuesday.

8 hours.

11 April 2005

Monday, 11 April

More of the same from last week. I'm only moving about 5 or 6 files a day from my desk to the filing cabinet. I'm wasting a bunch of time waiting on Directors to get back to me with their materials from previous panel discussions that I was no party to organising.

5 hours today.

08 April 2005

Friday, 8 April

Today was more of the same of yesterday, only less of it because I only worked 6 hours.

Current projects:
Staff Meetings preparations (the first one is on April 19th)
Refiling foundations
Finding FRC furniture, only less so because while I was away last week, it seems the GW has taken over the project, which is fine by me. I'm busy enough!

07 April 2005

Thursday, 7 April

I feel like I'm losing steam. The semester is over in a month and I'm anxious for the job start and school to be over. I'm graduating in May, after a total 15 years in school. I'm not entirely convinced I won't end up in Grad School eventually, but still, I feel a chapter of my life is ending, and I have tredipation about starting something new. Not that, assuming I get a job with Partnership, it won't be the easiest transition between "chapters" I will have ever made/make in my life. Still, it's a change, and a big one at that, and I am anxious about it.

Today I proofread the Brookdale Foundation Final Report about our Transitions programme. Transitions started at Peter's Place and, as part of the Continuum of Care model, assists seniors getting back on their feet and employable after a bout of homelessness. The report is sloppy. The GW has made much of the same errors she makes on all the other proposals, a function of copying and pasting 'general' material from other proposals/reports that I've not yet proofread. This is infuriating and frustrating to me. I'm glad to be of assistance and also glad that I notice these things before the proposals go out (what would happen if I didn't look over them???), but I'll be damned if it's not irritating. Fortunately, I have developed a relationship with the GW that allows for us to have an open, honest discussion where we can be upset about something and not offend each other. So, we had a longer than usual editing conversation today and I'm not sure that anything will come of it. I certainly hope she doesn't feel like I'm angry with her and avoid putting proposals/reports under my nose before submitting them. That would certainly be the antithesis of what I was trying to do.

7 hours.

06 April 2005

Wednesday, 6 April

I had to stay home today and wait for the repair man to come over and fix my hot water heater. It's been burning oil and giving off smoke whenever it's turned on since we returned from Spring Break. The whole thing speaks to my existing terror of my home exploding with me in it, so I want to make sure this is taken care of properly.

Plus, I can't take a shower. How grossly unprofessional of me to come in unshowered- three days in a row.

05 April 2005

Monday, 23 March - Monday, 4 April: Spring Break

What can I say? It was Spring Break and I was outta here! On the trip home from Ohio, though, a snowstorm kept us locked in hotel rooms, delaying our return until last night. I returned to work today, the 5th, but it was slow getting back into the swing of things and feels like I was hardly missed. Tomorrow will be a better day.

I only logged four hours today.