31 January 2005

Monday, 31 January

Today was focused on the Social Security Application submission. The Attourney and I worked through the morning to get all the proofreading and final editing done before I was to upload the proposal document to the SSI website and submit the entire application (as you can imagine, the Social Security Administration requires quite a bit of paperwork).

The Grant Writer had given me the password and UID before she left last Thursday (a previous engagement kept her out of work the day of the deadline), but when I went to submit the application to the SSI site the password/UID were not working. I went through a bit of a panic trying to figure it out and ended up on the phone with SSA's technical support troubleshooting the problem. This was a $400,000 renewal application; this grant provides salaries for two of our employees and the entire HOPE project and today was the absolute deadline for the renewal application. In the end, tech support straightened it out for me and the application was submitted. Whew.

Afterwards I read over the paper that the Peter's Place Attourney (PPA) had given me. Today was our meeting to discuss housing as a human rights issue as a potential research paper for this internship. I went down to Peter's Place (7 short blocks south of here) to discuss the issue with the PPA. Her idea was to see if there was enough information available on housing as a human right, not just internationally (because there is), but in America, too, and see if there was a place for "housing as a human right" in the Partnership's rhetoric. I left the meeting with plans to do as much research on institutional, educational, non-profit-related information or arguments on why housing should be considered a human right. The PPA doesn't know if this exists, which is where my role picks up.

I worked a full 8 hours today.


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